
Such an existential page, don’t you think?

This blog has undergone several evolutions. It started as a humor mom-blog while I was trying to be a parent to three teenagers while working in health-care and starting my own business.

I moved it at one point to a self-hosted site because for a while there I was a serious blogger and no self-respecting blogger kept sites hosted on a blogging platform.

During this time I reached a professional crossroads – I was on the cusp of an actual free-lance writing career at the same time my employer asked me to manage the rehabilitation department at one of our hospitals. I had just given one of the “Voices of the Year” keynotes at BlogHer. I had a growing clientele of customers who needed web content in specialty areas that I could write to.

And I went back to health care. Some day this will be its own entry, but let me acknowledge that it was a tough choice. And one that to this day I’m amazed I was blessed enough to get to make.

So what is this blog now? It’s a journal that may or may not have an audience. It’s a place for me to write. About living in our amazing new house in the redwoods. About funny, ranty thoughts I have. It’s a place to explore photography and share really bad illustrations. It’s place to process, and think. And if you are reading this, I thank you.

I decided to go back to my original name: In Pursuit of Martha Points. Because I really did love that idea. Because it actually speaks to me about the inherent conflict in wanting it all. And because I remember so well everything I loved about blogging when I say or write it.

All the original content is still here. The content from the year I spent self-hosted is sadly lost (except for the few entries that some new blogger stole when she adopted the domain name.) But if you go into the way-back machine you might find some things that make you laugh. And that will make me happy.

The paragraphs below are from my original About page, and I still like them. So we’ll close here with……

This blog is mostly about me being able to share my two biggest creative loves – writing and futzing around with my home – so I have an outlet for both while the rest of the world gets what it needs from me. I hope it is funny, I hope it speaks to the exhausted, never-feels-like-she-does-enough, modern-day-identity-crisis, wants-perfection-but-is-almost-too-tired-to -care  Martha Stewart in all of us.

And in pursuit of these goals are the Martha Points.

Let’s count.


  1. I’m really glad you were featured; I’ve been looking through your posts and they are fantastic. Great idea for a blog!

  2. Hi There!

    I’m about to make my foray into the world of blogging and came across yours during one of my research sessions. Totally refreshing!

    Thanks for the inspiration.

    T. Faye

  3. Fabulous name!!!! I thought I was the only one trying to martha-my-home and everything else in my life. I’ve quit keeping track because it’s just to hard to keep up!! Now I laugh when I do something un-martha like putting using paper towels as napkins or putting the sour cream container directly on the table when I have guests. Love it!!!

    1. I do the paper towel thing!! All the time!

      And I think there’s in fact a largish group of us out there! I’ve thrown out the idea of a club, complete with monogramed capes and secret decoder rings.

  4. This is quite a lovely page. I shall read-on, perhaps when time permits :) I have 4 yr-old and 21-month old who consumes my time dearly.


    1. Oh my, yes those would definitely be of the “time-comsuming” variety of kidlet!

      So please, read at a leisurely pace!

      And welcome!

  5. Fabulous name!!!! I thought I was the only one trying to martha-my-home and everything else in my life. I’ve quit keeping track because it’s just to hard to keep up!! Now I laugh when I do something un-martha like putting using paper towels as napkins or putting the sour cream container directly on the table when I have guests. Love it!!!

  6. So glad I found your blog, Lori!

    “I, on the other hand, am trying to figure out how to launch a home-based business without breaking any county, state or federal laws or having my house condemned.”

    I, on the other hand, am trying to figure out how to be a dad without destroying my home or losing my mind. So far so good. Or that’s just the hallucinogenics talking.

    1. I am glad you found me too!

      I am typically lost. It’s really good that occasionally someone stumbles here and finds me.

      I’d be in Albuquerque by now, otherwise.

      And you seem to be in pretty firm possession of your mind at the moment. But yes, it could be the pretty pink pills.

      But I won’t tell anyone.

    1. It is scary. And slow slow slow slow.

      I’m not so good at slow.

      I’m a fairly instant gratification sort of person.

      And it turns out I don’t get my way anywhere near as often as I’d like.

  7. I love this description of your blog – you were reccommended by Common Sense, Dancing and I am so glad to have “met” you! It all started with your awesome Freshly Pressed button, great idea! I look forward to lurking around for a while.

    – Emily

  8. I absolutely adore your About page. I personally don’t think Martha is human, but I do think she pretty much rocks for creating an empire, too. Thanks so much for being my very first comment on my very first guest post. It made my day.

    1. That was you first guest post? What an awesome thing to post about!!

      And thank you also for the very nice compliment. I love compliments!!!

  9. Found you through a series of events and wrong clicks that I could replicate if my life depended on it. Think you are 1. incredibly funny and 2. possibly slightly off your rocker. These are both good things, hope you’re complimented : ) Will be stopping back by soon to read some of the older stuff and get caught up

  10. Hi! Just read the recap of Napa in January and just had to see the woman that was in pursuit of Martha. I used to live one mile from her in CT!!! I’ve been a big fan of hers forever. I learned how to do a LOT of stuff from watching her show (years ago.) I can totally relate to your quest to build your own Martha empire. Good luck!

  11. Stumbled across you while visiting Anna Lefler…girl, you are a hoot. And can I ever related to the working-mom-dream-home-desiring-drawing-smilies-in-the-dust life! I have added you to my favorites, rock on. :)

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